Monday, January 4, 2010

My Latest Addiction

If anyone is not familiar with you should make yourself familiar with it.  That website is the most entertaining thing on the whole internets and it isn't even a time-sucker because you are LEARNING INTERESTING STUFF!  I realize that statement makes me a ridiculously annoying nerd, but it is true.

The best part is the "Stuff You Missed In History Class" Podcast HERE.  I am in the throws of an all out addiction.  I downloaded like 80 of them and have been listening to them off and on non stop for the past week.  They recommend books on the subjects you are interested and tell you, as you would expect, the stuff your history class never told you.  Genius. Give me more please.  I have learned tons in a very little amount of time.  I wish I had this podcast when I took my AP history exam.